• Programs
    EBS is fully dedicated to produce high quality programs for all age groups with purpose of complementing public education and supporting lifelong education. Imparting in-depth knowledge on numerous topics and issues, its programs have contributed in the development of education in Korea.

Preschoolers & Children

EBS Preschoolers & Children Catalogue

Programs at a Glance

Giant Peng TV
Giant Peng TV
Pengsoo, the genderless giant penguin, is now a mega-hit trend in South Korea. <Giant Peng TV> surpassed 2 million subscribers only 10 months after launching its YouTube channel, and Pengsoo named ‘Person of the Year’ and ‘Influencer of the Year’ in 2019. Pengsoo spreads love and happiness across all generations.
Giant Peng TV
Ding Dong Daeng
Let's get together Ding Dong Daeng
A musical TV show for kids and teens. BeongaeMan and his crew delivers the most important lessons to kids through musical.
Ding Dong Daeng
SEMI in Magic Cube
SEMI in Magic Cube
A just girl Semi and a genius math-magician Y, who suddenly became a baby tiger, are sucked into the Magic Cube and solve the confronted problems through mathematical thinking as they travel in times and spaces!
SEMI in Magic Cube