- On 21st of June, EBS held 'Proclamation for Future Vision and 11th Anniversary Ceremonyof Founding Public Corporation' at the headquarters of Dogok-dong. In this ceremony, EBSdeclared the vision that, “through carrying out the plan that is ’Realizing next-generationeducational hub by a convergence of broadcasting and communication’, aiming to become ‘Theworld’s best education specialized media group’ in the long term”.For this, EBS has devisedprojects- ‘Contents EBS’, ‘Digital EBS’ and ‘Smart EBS’.
- KwakDukHoon, the president & CEO of EBS, said, “The future vision of EBS is a promise thatwe will contribute to the development of education and is also a resolute determination that we will lead education of Korea along with the public” and entreated that, “Please keep watchingfor continuous change, innovation and challenge of EBS for future education of Korea”.
- The main contents of 'EBS Future Vision' are as follows:
- [Contents focused EBS] "Producing the world-renowned TOP contents"
- - Adult programs for life-long education increase the variety. This broadcasting stationreiforces pragmatic life-long education programs such as career coaching, foreign languageeducation and also expands programs for the seniors, viewers and parents.
- - By leading to produce future contents which are able to be in use globally, this stationdevelops Killer contents that represent EBS. Furthermore, EBS is planning to build EBS WorldNetwork through international coproduction and intimate connection with foreign public broadcasting stations.
- [Digital based EBS] “Realizing educational hub representing Korea in the digital era”
- - Through providing high-quality video clip service, BS prosecutes EDRB (Educational DigitalResource Bank: www.edrb.co.kr) service which contributes to the stability of public education.EBS is the first broadcasting station that opened EDRB (Educational Digital Resource Bank:www.edrb.co.kr) service that provides clip based educational broadcast contents(approximately 5 minutes) and data retrieval.
- [Smart-oriented EBS] “Aims to media fused organization for customers”
- - EBS will be transforming its structure into more customer friendly one. Recently, EBScreated the Department of Customer Service in the Smart Service Center by reforming itsorganization and reinforcing customers’ welfare. EBS created the Contents Planning Centerand unified the functional aspects of Educational Broadcasting Research Institute’s R&D.Moreover, EBS executes the globalization of educational contents. In addition, EBS willproduce educational contents for Korean students abroad and export the EBS model todeveloping countries with the use of KSP (Knowledge Sharing Program).