
Babylon Unveiledplay

메일 페이스북 트위터

For many millennia, Babylon was shrouded in a mythical
aura as a place in the bible synonymous with decadence
and sin. But its true historical significance lay buried
under the desert sands of Iraq, only to be discovered late
in the 19th century. In this amazing new documentary,
we compare myth with historical fact in order to unmask
this fabled city, and bring to life the city’s legendary
characters and buildings using the latest in 3D motion
capture technology based on precise archeological data.
We visit the ruins of Babylon in Iraq for the first time since
the Iraq War in order to see first hand, the size and scope
of this ancient marvel. Through insights from the world’s
foremost experts and a narrative which is both intriguing
and exciting, we draw the viewer into the marvelous world
of ancient Babylon.

게시판 리스트 페이지입니다.
36 20 Days without TV   2010-12-30 25167
35 A Baby's World   2010-12-30 2398
34 The World Unseen   2010-12-30 7105
33 The Written Word   2010-12-30 446
32 Misunderstood   2010-12-30 458
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Marketing Director : Peter LEE, Rachel KIM
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